
weight loss

Doctor’s advice carries weight with patients

Study shows that people are more likely to drop the pounds, and keep them off, if their doc tells them to.

Want to lose weight? Sleep on it

How well you sleep—and when you wake up—can lead to lower body fat and overall weight loss.

Men vs. women: The skinny on weight loss by gender

Is the deck really stacked against the ladies, or are guys bluffing?

Hip replacements skyrocket in U.S.

Patients are younger and hospital stays shorter.

Year of Transformation winner to be revealed at Day of Dance

In January 2014, Nicole Smith was chosen to be a leader of wellness in Newaygo County as Tamarac’s Year of Transformation winner.

One size doesn’t fit all

Weight-loss breakthroughs help, but they’re not the ultimate long-term solution to obesity.

‘The results are amazing’

Bariatric surgery drastically cuts risk of developing type 2 diabetes, study finds.

Lack of exercise more deadly than obesity, study suggests

Just a 20-minute brisk walk each day can lower odds of early death, researchers add.

Weight-loss surgery might just save your life

Researchers find patients who have surgery are half as likely to die a decade after procedure.

Obesity basics: 9 facts that could change your life

Knowledge is power when it comes to your weight and your health.