

Is it time to scrutinize sweeteners?

Pediatrics group calls for more research into artificial sweeteners and their effect on children's health.

Is meatless meat good for you?

The latest food craze looks, tastes and feels like real meat—but at day's end, it's still a processed food.

Coffee—a magic microbiome machine?

Your gut instinct to enjoy that favorite cup of java may positively influence your overall health.

Do emotions steer your eating?

Some candid questions can help you understand food choices—and whether you have a bigger problem than you realize.

5 tips for a healthier Halloween

A pediatric dietitian who's also a mom shares some handy tips for handling the inevitable surge of sweets.

Heed the sneaky calories

Taste-testing your culinary creations? Dipping into the office candy stash? Those tiny tidbits can add up to big trouble.

Patient Story

Losing the old you

The result of Phill Carr's bariatric surgery has been so dramatic, old friends greet him with one question: "Who are you again?"

The vicious cycle: Sugar, processed foods

Want to end those relentless cravings for all things sweet and salty? Bring on the protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Bust diabetes with moderate weight loss

Trimming just 10 percent from your overall weight can drastically improve your odds of better managing your insulin levels.

Fiber-rich foods build healthy hearts

A proper diet is often one of the first steps in the journey to better blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

The plant-powered athlete

With the right diet, high-caliber athletes can enhance performance and improve recovery times. A culinary-minded doctor explains how it's done.

School lunch—a vegetarian’s delight?

Simply adding more vegetable offerings to the menu can lead to a sizable reduction in meat consumption.