

9 tips for a merry metabolism

Don't let the holidays wreck your wellness.

You may be prediabetic and don’t know it, CDC warns

On average, 30 million Americans have diabetes, and the number of adults diagnosed with the disease has more than tripled in the past 20 years.

Get your workout mojo back

The best time to start? Yesterday. The second-best time? Today.

5 ways to boost your metabolism

As the years add up, your body slows down. What can you do to keep those calories burning?

What’s your calorie-burning clock?

We burn 10 percent more calories in the late afternoon and early evening than in the early morning hours.

A glorious triumph

Dale Coil's unwavering commitment to physical therapy and healthier living led him to shed more than 300 pounds—and gave him his first pain-free morning in years.

Winter is coming

Breathe easy as colder weather settles in. Explore these 4 tips to help you manage your asthma once snow starts flying.

Make exercise fun again

Consider bite-size chunks of activities for the whole family—relay races, hula hoops, Frisbee or obstacle courses.

5 strength-training mistakes to avoid

The ultimate benefit is greater independence throughout your life.

Sit-stand desks good for the mind. What about the body?

Office workers spend up to 85 percent of their workday in a chair—research suggests that all that sitting contributes to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even a shorter lifespan.

Add fun to fitness with a medicine ball

Up your workout with this inexpensive fitness tool.

Fitter folks suffer milder strokes

'Exercise is the 401K of health. The more you put in it, the better your health is in old age.'