
healthy eating

Lower fruit and vegetable prices might save lives

Raising taxes on sugary drinks may prevent even more deaths.

‘Obese’ may not always equal unhealthy

Researchers warn against using body size as sole measure of good health, but other experts cite risks of too much weight.

Recognize the signs of eating disorders

Bulimia, anorexia or binge eating can afflict people from all walks of life—but telltale signs can alert loved ones to trouble.

Breathe better with fiber

Want to protect your lungs? Researchers suggest eating more than 18 grams a day.

DASH diet is the best eating plan

The MIND, Mediterranean and Fertility diets also get high marks for health.

Patient Story

A new approach to youth weight loss

An expert team helps youngsters reach ideal weight through positivity and pragmatism—and a fresh outlook on diet and exercise.

Avoid trans fat: Read the label

We’re two years away from FDA enforcement of a ban on artificial trans fat. Until then, we’ve got to read the ingredients.  

Patient Story

A new life, a new commitment

A life-threatening infection was Larry Thomas' turning point, his rock bottom. Geralyn Merkey was there to meet him.

Preschoolers get the 411 on heart-healthy lifestyles

Kids and adults alike benefit from being taught good food and exercise habits ... and the sooner the better.

Diabetes: Still all about that gut

New research about Type 2 diabetes may be helpful, but it still supports the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise.

Get spicy to live longer

Eating super hot foods helps your health—in all kinds of surprising ways.

Only one in 10 Americans eat enough fruits and veggies

Essential foods that help lower risk of illnesses such as obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes are vastly under-consumed.