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The health benefits of eating earlier

Timing is everything—boost weight loss by about 25 percent just by eating 70 percent of each day's calories between breakfast and lunch.

A lurking liver trouble

About 1 in 4 adults have an abnormal buildup of fat in the liver—and they may not even realize it.

Fat no longer the focus of dietary guidelines

'We really need to sing it from the rooftops that the low-fat diet concept is dead.'

The inner path to an outer glow

Want great skin? Build a great diet.

Plant-based eating: reasons to fuel up on fruit, veggies, beans, nuts and seeds

As a self-proclaimed flexitarian and with a vegetarian cooking class in the works later this year, I am honored to be able to offer delicious inspiration for a plant-based diet with a 14-Day Go Plant-Power! Challenge from Sharon Palmer, RD. March, otherwise known as National Nutrition Month, is the perfect time to take strides toward […]

‘The most powerful medicine’

Consider a whole food, plant-based diet as a leading tool to help fight disease and improve health.

Drink coffee, live longer?

Four cups a day could reduce risk by 64 percent.

Expert tips for wrangling cholesterol

While there’s no silver bullet to achieve lower levels, experts suggest a focus on lifestyle.

Dietitian weighs in on the keto diet

'I wouldn’t recommend the ketogenic diet for weight loss,' expert warns.

Supercharged smoothies

These delicious treats are a great way to get your daily serving of fruit and veggies.

10 doctor-approved tips for runners

Improve your times and overall health with these suggestions aimed at both beginner and elite athletes.

Patient Story

Act fast when you see signs of stroke

William "Bill" Boersma shares miraculous story about how he went from being a 'rag doll' after a stroke to a 'poster child.'